The calm before the move

I decided to make a Tumblr to document my thoughts on moving to Los Angeles from San Francisco. It’s New Year’s Eve and Eileen and I are sitting around watching TV. We’re just going to stay in and ring in the new year with the dogs. Is pretty stressful waiting for this move to happen. We’ve known since November, and it’s been good to have time, but we’re both ready for it to be done.

Tomorrow we’ll take it somewhat easy for New Year’s Day but its going to be the day before the move, so we’ll have to do some non-relaxing things.

The questions I have going into the move tonight are:

Will people give TNT a chance with me on Skype? Will content win out over looks? Will the looks be good enough?

How long will our stuff take to get down there? The moving company says 2-6 days. Yeah.

Will the Verizon FIOS install on Friday go smoothly?

Will I get away for San Francisco early enough on Thursday to get into LA at a decent hour with our two dogs?

On the schedule tomorrow: go over mover’s checklist, pack things we don’t want/need mover’s to pack, put things I’ll need in the car Ina space so mover’s don’t pack them

2 Responses to “The calm before the move”

  1. Jeff Namadan

    Wishing you and Eileen the best of luck with the move. Having been in the same location for over 10 years, I dread the time where I have to move. Guess that’s why I haven’t done it. πŸ™‚

    As for TNT, I’ve been there since the beginning and it is still my daily news fix. What makes it special for me is the interaction between you, Sarah, Iyaz and Jason (and various people thru the years). The facial gestures and camaraderie of y’all in the studio just takes the show to another level. Sure there are times where 1 or all of you are away, but we all know that it is temporary and the gang will be back together soon. Hopefully this change will just be an adjustment period for me getting used to you being away, but it’s going to be rough. I do hope it works out.

    But again, this is all about what is best for you and Eileen. I wish you the best of luck w/ the move and everything else in 2013

  2. Good luck on the move. While I’ve always hated moving, it’s a useful time to purge crap that’s just taking up space and that you don’t really like/need. A time to embrace Japanese minimalism, maybe? πŸ™‚

    Of course people will give TNT a chance with you on Skype! The information you give is great as is the witty banter between the show hosts. I don’t see that changing. That said, I’m biased because I generally just listen to the audio and I have been following you since the Veronica days on Buzz Out Loud. Also Framerate and Security Now have worked for ages with one host not in the studio. I wouldn’t worry about it.