Today in Tech History – January 23, 2016

20140404-073853.jpgIn 1896 – Wilhelm Roentgen spoke to the Würzburg Physical Medical Society where he demonstrated X-rays by photographing the hand of session chair Dr. Albert von Kolliker, a famous anatomist.

In 1960 – With a crew of two, the bathyscaphe Trieste, descended 10,911 meters in the Pacific Ocean into Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench near Guam, the deepest known point in the oceans.

In 2003 – Earth lost communication with space probe Pioneer 10 which was 12 billion-kilometers from Earth.

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2 Responses to “Today in Tech History – January 23, 2016”

  1. On the risk of sounding like a know-it-all:

    There’s a typo in his last name. It’s Röntgen instead of Roentgen. Replacing oe for ö (or sz for ß for example) is for when a character is not supported.

  2. The oe is an acceptable American spelling of the name as the alphabet used in English does not contain the proper diacritical mark. While using ö is supported, it is not standard when writing in English. This is similar to writing pinata instead of piñata in English or even transliterating greek or cyrillic characters.

    As an example, The American Physical Society also uses ‘oe.’

    Other supporting (and dissenting) opinions may be found here: