As I previously posted, I was let go, and starting January 2 I’ll be on my own for all my shows.
I’ve already announced one new project with Scott Johnson, called Current Geek, which will be a weekly show covering all the things geeks care about.
But I wouldn’t be me without a daily tech news show. I’m still in the process of figuring out exactly what form that will take. Last week’s hangout was essential in helping figure that out.
In the meantime, if you’d like to make sure you don’t miss it, I’ve set up a website and an RSS Feed you can subscribe to. Starting Jan. 2, whatever I’m up to will show up there.
Thanks y’all!
All I have to say is (because you’re too classy to say it): F the bigoted Leo Laporte, and F TwiT. And Frogpants? Now that you have so much more Tom Meritt, I’m finally going to support you (but I always loved the show, though). Paypal monthly donation here I come. Best of luck to you, and I know you’ll continue to be great.
You and Molly Wood were the heart and soul of Buzz Out Loud (I’m not sure which was the heart and which was the soul). The chemistry you two shared is what made that show as big as it was. Now that Molly is on her own, it seems the perfect time for you two to put together a new show. “It’s a Thing” is good, but we need more.
Please do another show with her. Seems a no-brainer that she should be your partner on a daily news show. You two were awesome together.
Definitely will be following. I admit I never followed on Buzz Out Loud until the final broadcast, but I was a fairly avid early watcher of your next daily news show but it too trailed off, mainly as it was too complicated with so many voices. Would love to see what you have to do next and will definitely be following…
Besides, not many midwestern voices coming from the west coast these days. π
I really enjoy your commentary and insight on the subjects your report on. Have followed you for many years and was glad when TWIT hired you. Always figured you would be Leo’s successor, unfortunately he’s made a mistake.
Will look forward to your new show starting in January… Leo… You made a mistake in my humble opinion!
Seems to me with you and Molly Wood now being free you guys should get the old team together. I left Cnet to tech because i Lied your work but the new show could have a few Molly Rants. Is there a onlineOpen letter or forum we can sign to get you back on Twit??
Hi Tom.
I always liked (it’s terrible.., already in the past…) your energy, humour and knowledge on TNT.
Maybe something you could do in a future daily tech show, is to have the news personality of the day. It happened a few times on TNT. I guess it is hard to always find a new guest, but that would be great!
By the way, I am still very upset to see that you have been let go from TNT: your show. I wish you the best of luck and I am pretty sure that I’ll be a podcast listener of your next adventure!
I think a shakeup at TNT/TWiT is actually an early sign of a maturing industry. I’m eager to see what Mike Elgan and Leo put together at TWiT, and I’m eager to see what projects you create. More choices of high-quality programs. I’ll be watching it all.
I’m a little disappointed that the transparency that I’ve been used to on TWiT seemed to become more opaque. No, I don’t want to watch a fight or the fake raw emotion of reality TV. I just hope for more than the equivalent of “leaving to spend more time with the family.” At least you were candid enough to say that you agreed not to say anything, although later Leo said he wished he hadn’t agreed to that. Keeping all the cards hidden is another sign of a maturing industry, but this time not a welcome one.
If you ever need any Ham Radio news… oh, who am I kidding. Nobody ever needs any Ham Radio news… – Gary KN4AQ
Thanks Gary. What Leo wrote in the post at was the reason Leo gave me privately.
I was a huge fan of you on Buzz Out Loud, and then followed you to TWiT where I have been a huge fan of TNT since show one. I know Leo has his reasons, but I also think he has made a huge mistake. He should have left TNT alone and added another show if he wanted a new director type around. I look forward to following you again to your next show. I’m sure your replacement is a great talent, but as the draw for me was you, it is not likely I’ll still listen after you are gone.
Very disappointed with what’s happened, I too would have hoped that the tnt team could have been left in tact and that Elgin could have just been brought in as the news director – I guess that wasn’t in the budget. Best of luck Tom, thanks for all the entertainment and insight – I’ll subscribe to whatever you do next.
Hey Tom,
I tried watching the first ‘TNT’ without you as the host and I was disappointed. Bored. Perhaps having withdraws from the normal TNT cast. Or maybe I’m just a creature of habit but after spending the entire day in the Healthcare IT world -on my drive home from work for 3 years, the first thing I did was plug in my phone and downloaded TNT for that day. I looked forward to the high energy you brought to the show which always resonated your passion for the tech industry – even after staring at a computer for 9 hours!
I can’t wait to see what you do next – I’ve already listed to your Sample Daily Tech Show bit and I can’t wait util you get it up and going! The way you handled yourself with everything was mature and professional, but I KNOW it’s because you know, without limitations, you will be prevail – which is why you’ll remain my main source of tech news once your daily tech news show prepares for liftoff.
Thank you Tom! Keep your head up!
I watched TNT today and what a train wreck, I listened to you guys eveyday on my commute and live when I was off and was never disappointed twit most likely will be off my radar for quite awhile if not for good. Looking to see and support your next project
Take Care
VERY disappointed in the new TNT. I use to get all my tech news from TNT and read more on what interested me from the show. Now, I have nothing. Tom, you, Sarah, Iyaz and Jason made up my morning tech fix. I’ve got the DT’s now LOL! Can we watch you tape your Daily Tech Show? When do you tape?
Not a fan of the new format of TNT, no Virtual fireplace! π
TNT was boring without you today, l just tuned in to see how things are going and l was not good. Please get together with Molly and Veronica for the best show ever. Thanks for years of good reporting
Mike Elgin is a very smart guy, and I am sorry for him because the new show is a disaster. Leo has made a very big mistake. I always liked Mike as a guest on shows, but you made TNT. We will follow you. Leo has become entrapped by his own hubris I think. Windows Weekly is all about him doing shtick, which really wears thin, especially when there is no Windows Weekly news, and, hey, we don’t really care about Paul’s life and vacations. Trouble is that it quite hard to find what you are going to do, and you will have to surmount that fence, but you will, and whatever you do, I for one will watch/listen. Very best of luck. Poor Leo, an icon, but TNT was the mainstay.
Please get Molly and Veronica on, at least as regular guests. Buzz was the best!
Bring back the buzz.
Hi Tom,
I look forward to all you have planned. TNT is certainly not the same, and none the better now. I am actually growing tired of the new layout/format. Good luck in all you do!
Hey Tom,
I moved then went on vacation and when I got back you were gone from TNT! What? At any rate, I (and countless others) stopped listening to BOL when you left and the same will happen to TNT. I believe you defined the format and without you the shows have been dull. Striking out on your own is scary, so I hope it works out for you. I’ll be listening. Like others I think you should get Molly on board.
Early days but it is good to see you going out on your own. Hope you build your audience quickly and can get sponsorship. I love BoL but followed you to, and discovered, TWIT. There are several shows there I like but I don’t seem able to get into new TnT. Not your problem. (Seem to recall I went off BoL as well, felt it went silly and TnT is maybe going serious).
Hope you can find time to be on the UK networks more as well.
Hangouts has got to be cheaper than the fancy gear TWIT had, but will not be able to cope with the lipsync problem for long. Hope you crack it.
Good luck. (I’d support if there was a subscription fee or donation to get the mixing desk stuff).
Ok so I stopped listening to twit for about 2 weeks because I bought and iphone and no longer was tied to my desk. My daily habit was watching tnt everyday. Ever since I used my iphone. I just didn’t spend time at the desk as much. I been meaning to get back into it. First I was sad that Frame Rate was done. Then I watched TWIT last week and saw the TNT weekly update plug thing and it wasn’t you, so I thought oh my did Tom leave? finally get around to researching and read that Leo didn’t renew your contract? because he wanted in studio host? Oh man what a fluff excuse, what a big mistake, the show was so interesting because you nailed the show remotely , you hosted the show and carried it from home, that was so amazing, in fact that just proves what you can do on the internet. Anyway, whatever I am very disappointed, I really like you TOM, you are a very talented on air personality and Leo will regret this. Subscribing to you.
Tried watching TNT, I don’t like to put anyone down or anything but oh my.. DOWNGRADE MUCH? what a snore fest. I won’t be listening to TNT anymore. Sorry Mike can not carry this show out. It’s so slow and boring and unprofessional. sigh rant over Thanks for the great shows Keep ya head up, get with molly steal Jason, make a new daily show, you will have the support! you don’t need that fancy ass studio to pull it off.. wait i said I was done, K bye.
Hi Tom
I am am sorry to hear that you have left TNT. I have been following you since around episode 100 of BOL. I really appreciate that you have world view that extends outside the US and often pick up tech stories with an international flavour.
I have not made up my mind about whether I will continue to listen to TNT but will definitely follow you on DTNS.
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Tom. I just wanted to let you know that you have my support. I was dismayed after the holidays to discover that you were let go from TNT. Like many others have stated here, I listened to a couple episodes of the new TNT and was bored by it. It just isn’t the same without you. TNT has lost me but I will follow you to whatever you endeavor to accomplish next. Good luck Tom! We’re with you!
When I run outside I listen to TNT. Inside I watch Netflix. With all the snow in the Midwest recently I have been inside. Yesterday we had our first day with no snow and ice and I went for a 2+ hour run. I downloaded my TNT episodes and oh my god. I almost couldn’t get through it. I can hardly remember what they were about they were so dry and disengaging. I am so glad to find you on DTNS and have subscribed. I’ll be listening daily. Keep up the good work.