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DTNS 2188 – Volks-Data

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comBrian Cooley joins us to explain the odd proprietary and confusing world of in-dash smartcar interfaces. Can we just use our phones carmakers?



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Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests:  Brian Cooley, host of CNET On Cars and The Next Big Thing Show


TWITTER WAS DOWN OMG: And that is pretty much the only lasting effect. Shouting. And jokes.

Apple readies major improvements to its maps: 9to5 Mac reports its sources say Apple is readying major improvements to Apple maps for the next version of iOS. Leveraging engineering experience from acquisitions, Apple Maps will be more reliable and have more data points of interest, especially regarding public transit directions.

Ad for HTC’s All New One leaks:  GSMArena got a hold of a photo of a brochure about HTC’s All New One.  In addition to using the “All new” moniker, the phone sports a ‘Duo Camera’, yes two cameras pointed in the same directions, that lets users choose focus points and implement effects like 3D. HTC tried the dual camera thing before with the EVO 3D. The brochure was from Australia’s Telstra and indicated he phone will cost AUD 840 (RRP) off-contract.

Drive on over to the Google Drive Store! Google’s had add-ons for Google Drive apps for awhile but now TechCrunch reports they’ve all been collected into a new store. The store is available from the menu bar of text or spreadsheet docs. There are 50 apps available now including MailChimp, UberConference, Avery Label Merge and more.

Orbital Computing: GigaOm reports on Physicist Joshua Turner’s proposal to use the orbits of electrons to generate the binary states that make computers work. Turner, a Physicist at SLAC National Accelerator calls it orbital computing. which does not mean SkyNet in this case. The orbit is the electron’s around a nucleus and claims you can switch it’s state 10,000 times faster than you can switch the state of a transistor today. Take that Moore’s law!

Ok, Glass Explorers, this is cool:  A new Glassware App called Preview allows users to look at a movie poster or an image of one and view the trailer on Glass. You can move from poster to poster down the theater hallway and the app will switch to the appropriate trailer. Just remember to take off your Glass before entering the movie theater to avoid unwanted interaction with federal authorities.

The Next Web reports DigitalGlobe is putting its Tomnod crowdsourcing platform to work in the effort to find Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Volunteers are assigned a collection of satellite images to look at and pin any possible clues or wreckage. DigitalGlobe analysts will check areas that users identify then inform authorities of any findings.

CNET reports New Jersey fast-tracked a rule change Monday that would eliminate direct sales of automobiles from a manufacturer, a practice that Tesla Motors pretty much hinges their entire business on. Tesla appeared before the NJMVC today to argue against the rules, but does not appeared to have swayed the commission. The rule passed and will go into effect in April, giving Tesla a month or so to close its two stores.

News From You

tekkyn00b posted the Verge article about Senator Dianne Feinstein, chair of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, accusing the CIA of searching Senate computers for copies of an internal agency interrogation report and violating both anti-hacking laws and the Constitution. CIA head John Brennan has denied Feinstein’s accusations. Senator Feinstein has been an outspoken advocate of the US NSA’s surveillance efforts.

draconos sent in the CNET story that CBS CEO Leslie Moonves said Tuesday that if Aereo’s online service that brings users over the air broadcasts is deemed legal by the Supreme Court, CBS could go OTT. That means CBS programming would be delivered over the Internet itself rather than over the air, and a company like Aereo would have to pay for it rather than access it from broadcast. CBS stations have broadcast obligations in order to keep their over the air spectrum but could meet those with a variety of local and older programming different than the main network.

And KAPT_Kipper posted the Ars Technica story that Intel and partners will make 800 Gbps cables available in the second half of the year to data centers. The cables are based on Intel’s Silicon Photonics tech that can send 25Gbps across each fiber. The new connector goes by the name (not acronym) MXC and holds up to 64 fibers and can maintain speed over 300 meters. It’s also less sensitive to dust and damage. Data centers generally use 10Gbps cables today. The Facebook-led Open Compute Project are among the organizations already testing out the MXC-based cables.

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Brian Cooley’s 1986 report on a thing called EEEE -MAIL:

Pick of the Day: Sell used gadgets at

Tuesday’s Guest:  It’s our 50th show tomorrow!

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