Cordkillers: Ep. Beta 2 – Ear love

Are more people really cutting the Internet than TV? The answer is sort of, if you squint. And find out what game is the most pirated video of 2013 with thrones.

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Cord Killers Beta 2 – Ear love
Recorded: December 29 2013
Guest: Fraser Cain

Intro Video

Primary Target

Secondary Target

Signals Intelligence

Gear Up

Moving Targets

Front Lines

Winter Movie Draft

  1. Justin Robert Young: $503,513,000
  2. Fr. Robert Ballecer: $485,056,000
  3. Casey McKinnon: $445,324,422
  4. Jeff Cannata: $350,016,348
  5. Tom Merritt: $252,303,646
  6. Brian Brushwood: $177,515,619

Under Surveillance

Dispatches from the Front

  • Great start to the new show, thanks for bringing us what we want when want and whatever…

    When Netflix launched profiles back in the summer, they broke parental controls by allowing kids to choose which profile to login with. Since there’s no authentication or PIN for profiles, kids can start watching Human Centipede or whatever they want, when they want etc.

    I emailed you guys about this when profiles launched and you thought it was a niggle that Netflix would sort out. Nearly 6 months in and it hasn’t changed despite other changes to the service and software.

    I’m the parent and it’s my responsibility to protect my kids, but if the tools aren’t there to help me supervise their viewing, then I won’t let them use the service, simple. But that’s not really in Netflix’s interest, surely?



  • Never lose the sharpie on cardboard!
    That is all.



  • Thanks for changing the format of the video in the feed. Was frustrating seeing that I got the beta episode, but wasn’t downloaded. (Course, went to the website to grab it).

    Now, can you offer a smaller sized version of the video? 1.28GB is kinda huge for video file to play on a phone.

    Just asking.



Cordkillers: Episode (Beta) 4K getting more OK

Tom and Brian kick off the very first Cordkillers with special guest Justin Robert Young. Netflix is leading the charge for 4K, Hulu has millions but is it enough, and why Atari’s famous ET game failure could help Xbox.


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Cord Killers: Beta
Recorded: December 23 2013
Guest: Justin Robert Young

Intro Video

The Big Story

Another Big Story


Tube Tops

Film Falm

Scan Lines

What we’re watching

Winter Movie Draft

  1. Justin Robert Young: $483,480,275
  2. Fr. Robert Ballecer: $392,813,988
  3. Casey McKinnon: $390,058,157
  4. Jeff Cannata: $265,369,223
  5. Tom Merritt: $182,530,164
  6. Brian Brushwood: $119,438,873

Premiering this week


Gentlemen, in your honor, my wife, Wendy, and I cut the cord with Verizon today. We cancelled our Cable TV, but kept our FiOS internet service, so we still have one cord, but it’s the good one. And Verizon said we’re “welcome” to keep 13 local TV channels for free. Ha, I guess we don’t get to keep the UHF channels. 🙂

Now we’re saving $70 a month. Oops, just found out that we’re only saving $65 a month, because, “dear valued customer,” it’s actually $5 more per month than they said. Oh, and we also have to pay an additional $10 to return our DVR. (I feel like I just made a deal with some guy on Canal Street.)

We will continue to feast from our AppleTV, where we watch Netflix and iTunes… and podcasts, podcasts, podcasts. So we’re ready for your next show!

Happy Holidays to you both. Thanks for all the years of information and inspiration. Excited to see what you guys will do next.

Philip & Wendy Shane
Brooklyn, NY


See what you can do when the TV network is NOT in the USA? <sigh> 180 channels, $15/month, 8-day replay period without needing a DVR (they record & store everything), inside home/outside home, looks great if you were an international sports/soccer fan.

Now Playing on Slingbox 500: DishWorld



So, some folks are a little bugged by a death’s head being used, because it’s also used by pirates. We’ve got a few people working on a different take. Here;s a couple from mrRiffles. What do you think?





Quick question:  is it better or worse to not have the crossed coax cables 

Quick question:  is it better or worse to not have the crossed coax cables underneath?