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DTNS 2326 – Goldilocks and the Three iPhones

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comNetflix comes to Linux and TwitPic lives but as you know it’s iPhone 6 release day, so Ek will join us with his brand new phone and stories from the line plus Patrick Beja will pop in with his French version and of course Len Peralta will be here to illustrate it all.


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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest:  Eklund, Patrick Beja and Len Peralta and maybe a new iPhone.

Today’s title “Goldilocks and the Three iPhones” was created by tvsegon at


With Apple getting some good response to their privacy subsite yesterday it shouldn’t be a big surprise that Google would want some attention too. Google spokeswoman Niki Christoff told the Washington Post that not only has Google offered on-device encryption for more than three years but starting with the next Android release, encryption will be enabled by default. Meanwhile BlackBerry stands int he corner arms crossed pointing at it’s always encrypted self.

Threatpost mentions Google, Dropbox and others are supporting a new project called Simply Secure to improve the usability of open source privacy tools. The organizations advisors will include Cory Doctorow, Ian Goldberg and Google’s Ben Laurie. The idea is bring open source developers together with usability experts to solve problems and make apps easier to use.

Bloomberg reports that Chinese e-commerce site Alibaba had a successful debut on the New York Stock Exchange today, raising $21.8 billion dollars in its initial public offering. The IPO was priced at $68 dollars and closed for the day at $XX (above $90?) per share. The company is now valued at $231 billion, which makes it worth more than and EBay Inc. and more valuable than all but 9 companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.

Ars Technica reports that Apple released iCloud Drive yesterday as part of the iOS update, but OS X Mavericks does not support the new Apple cloud platform, which means Mac users have to wait until OS X Yosemite is released later this fall. However, Apple did release an updated version of iCloud for Windows which has full support for iCloud drive WHICH MEANS Windows users with iPhones have the advantage over Apple users who didn’t opt in to the Yosemite beta. Of course, iCloud for Windows still can’t use iCloud keychain to sync passwords or use the Find My Device app. So don’t go getting too excited there.

Linux users stop your WINE-ing. Or any of the other workarounds you’ve been using to make Netflix work on your Linux machine. The Mukt passes along that Netflix software engineer Paul Adolph remarked on the Ubuntu developer mailing list that Netflix would be able to play video in Chrome on Ubuntu if NSS version 3.16.2 or greater is installed. To which Ubuntu security engineer Marc Deslauriers responded he plans to update Ubuntu with those very libraries. He might look at it as early as next week!

Ars Technica reports that a developer called Vladikoff has taken Google’s App Runtime for Chrome, which originally allowed certain Android apps to run in Chrome OS, and not only made it run all Android apps, but made it work in the Chrome browser as well. Vladikoff’s custom version called ARChon can be sideloaded into Chrome 37. Then you can use chromeos-apk to convert Android APKs into Chrome extensions and voila. You have android apps running on Windows, OSX or Linux.

News From You

KAPT_Kipper posted the Ars Technica story that MPHJ Technologies has lost its lawsuit against the US FTC. MPHJ was sending small businesses letters requesting $1000 per worker for using “scan to email” functions. That caused attorneys general in Vermont and Nebrasksa to sue MPHJ. So MPHJ decided to sue the FTC which it said was threatening to violate it’s right to free speech. That speech being threatening small businesses. On Tuesday, US District Court Judge Walter Smith dismissed the case since the FTC hadn’t actually done anything yet. MPHJ is still fightin the attorneys general. It’s doing well in Nebraska, but not so hot in Vermont.

tm204 passes along the news that the US Senate is considering limits on US law enforcement access to email stored abroad. Network World reports that the bill would allow the use of search warrants outside the US only in relation to US citizens or companies. The bill would also allow courts the power to modify or deny the warrant request if it forces a company to violate the laws of a foreign country. Whether or not this would help Microsoft in its ongoing quarrel with the federal government about access to emails stored in Dublin is unclear.

metalfreak pointed out an post indicating a Swiss website called claims to be the home of a project taking the TrueCrypt code forward and turning it into a new application. Jos Doekbrijder, the initiator of the project said CipherShed will be released under an open source license but which one has not been decided yet. The intent is to make a faster more secure product that can work under newer OSs like Windows 8 but still open older TrueCrypt containers.

And KAPT_Kipper has news from the Verge that should help some very concerned people on Twitter to worry less about my photos. You see I was using Tweetbot on my recent trip to post a few pics and the version of Tweetbot I use happens to use TwitPic to upload pics. Several people warned me that I was flirting with disaster and should stop immediately since TwitPic had announced it was shutting down. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. TwitPic posted on Twitter today that it has been acquired and will live on. Crisis averted.


Discussion Links:

Plug of the Day:  ‘Events of a Different Nature‘ by Tom Merritt

I want to let you know I have a new self-published book out called ‘Events of A Different Nature.’ It’s about two dogs who solve crimes. NOW WAIT. It’s not nearly as cute as it may sound. It’s more Raymond Chandler than Wind in the Willows and they never once admit that they’re dogs or in any way inferior to humans. So if you want to check it out you can find a free version as well as print and versions for various ebook platforms at

Pick of the Day: Tom’s pick is Spider Oak

Monday’s guests: Rob Krekel

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